Poets and the Faith 2024

Gerard Manley Hopkins
Presented by Professor Dorothy Lee
12 March

Denise Levertov
Presented by Carol O’Connor
9 April

James McAuley & Gwen Harwood
Presented by Ken Parker
14 May

R.S. Thomas
Presented by Archbishop Rowan Williams (in person event; Bishop Rowan via Zoom)
11 June

Peter Steele
Presented by Andrew Bullen SJ
9 July

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Brontë & Christina Rossetti
Presented by Philip Harvey
13 August

Annie Dillard
Presented by Wen-Juenn Lee
10 September

W.H. Auden & T.S. Eliot
Presented by Nelson Rufatt
8 October

John Donne
Presented by Kathryn Bellhouse
12 November