Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham

The Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham is a vibrant, lay-led devotional group within the parish that encourages a deepening of Christian faith through devotions to the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

As the St Peter’s Cell of the Anglican Society of Our Lady of Walsingham, the group has four objectives:

  1. To honour Mary, the Mother of God and to deepen faith in the incarnation of Our Lord.

  2. To promote devotion to Our Lady and pilgrimage to Walsingham.

  3. To further, with the aid of Our Lady's prayers, the conversion of the nations and the re-union of Christendom.

  4. To seek holiness of life through prayer, the scriptures and the sacraments.

A Mass in honour of Our Lady of Walsingham and for the Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham and St Peter is offered at 12:00p.m. on the First Saturday of the month.

We are always keen to welcome new members to the Cell.

Contact us if you’re interested in joining us.