Contact us

details of clergy and other staff members can be found below.

Clergy and other staff

St Peter’s Eastern Hill, 15 Gisborne Street, Melbourne, VIC 3002
0401 826 325

Office Hours. 10am – 2.00pm Monday - Friday

Parish staff


Fr Michael Bowie: 0432 072 213

Assistant Priest

Mthr Cara Greenham Hancock: ‭0432 329 467‬

Assisting Clergy

Fr Greg Davies: 0417 992 976

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Di Clark: 0407 354 987

Choir Master

Christopher Watson: Contact Parish Office


Rhys Arvidson: 0405 277 853

Head Server

Anthony Schepis: 0400 578 952

Parish Administrator

Eugene: 0401 826 325

child safety officer

Rachel Ellyard: 0419 335 793

St Peter's Bookroom

Carol O'Connor: 9663 7487