About St Peter’s
St Peter's Eastern Hill is a diverse Anglo-Catholic community based in East Melbourne, Australia.
Worship of God is at the centre of our community life and our worship is a living embodiment of our apostolic faith.
St Peter's serves the surrounding community, with members of our ministry team serving as chaplains in nearby major hospitals, RMIT University and the Victorian parliament.
We also provide breakfast from 7.30 am every day to people experiencing homelessness and our Lazarus Centre provides food parcels and emergency referrals to people in need. This service is staffed by volunteers and professionals from St Peter's, Anglicare, and the wider Melbourne community.
Our parish was established in1846; Heritage Victoria and the National Trust place St Peter's at the highest level of significance. It stands as one of the handful of buildings in Melbourne that pre-date the gold rush of the 1850s.
St Peter's is a place where people can grow in faith and spiritual formation and where worship and service are key.