Christ the King – Sunday 21st November in the Parish Hall following the 10.30am High Mass
As specified in the “Parish rules for Meetings and Officers applying to the Parish by virtue of Division 2 of Part 4 of the Parish Governance Act 2013” the business of the annual meeting will include, after prayers:
a) The minutes of the previous annual meeting and of any subsequent statutory parish meeting;
b) The reception of the parish electoral roll;
c) The annual report by the vicar that includes the entries in the registers of the Parish for the financial year, including numbers of baptisms, persons received into communicant membership, confirmations, marriages, funerals, Sunday services, acts of communion and such other statistics from the registers as Archbishop in Council determines;
d) An annual report on the proceedings of the parish council and together with a report by the parish council on the pastoral care, evangelism, social and ecumenical programmes of the parish and on future plans for the parish;
e) A report by the churchwardens on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the worship centre and the vicarage and other buildings of the parish;
f) The audited or independently examined accounts and financial statements of the parish and any accompanying papers required by the Act;
g) The budget approved by the parish council for the year in which the meeting is held;
h) Reports by other parish groups;
i) The election of churchwardens and members of the parish council;
j) The election of an auditor or independent examiner;
k) The election of lay representatives to the parish incumbency committee;
l) Any other matters of parochial or general church interest.