Upcoming Events
Stations of the Cross
A time of prayer and reflection on the journey to the Cross.
6pm 30th March and 6th April.
(Sunday 23rd March will be a Lenten Choral Evensong.)
Lent Talks
Pillars of the Church: The Catholicity of Anglicanism
Presented by Fr Michael Bowie, this course will unpack the essential Catholicity of Anglicanism. It will also address the status of the Anglican communion outside the Church of England and how we relate to Western Catholic Christianity.
12.30pm on the first four Sundays of Lent, beginning 9th March.
The Annunciation of the Lord
Procession and High Mass: Tuesdy 25th March at 7pm.
Low Mass: 8am.
Holy Week and Easter
palm sunday: 13th april
Low Mass: 8am
High Mass: 10.30am
Stations of the Cross: 5pm
monday in holy week: 14th april
Low Mass: 8am
Evening Low Mass: 7pm. With guest preacher Rev’d Professor Russell Goulbourne
tuesday in holy week: 15th april
Low Mass: 8am
Evening Low Mass: 7pm. With guest preacher Rev’d Professor Russell Goulbourne
wednesday in holy week: 16th april
Low Mass: 8am, 1.15pm
A Service of Tenebrae: 7.30pm at Trinity College Chapel (100 Royal Parade, Parkville)
maundy thursday: 17th april
Low Mass: 8am
High Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7pm. With guest preacher Rev’d Professor Russell Goulbourne
good friday: 18th april
The Liturgy of Good Friday with Holy Communion: 3pm. With guest preacher Rev’d Professor Russell Goulbourne
holy saturday: 19th april
Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter: 8pm. With confirmations and guest preacher Bishop David Farrer
easter day: 20th april
Low Mass: 8am
High Mass: 10.30am. With guest preacher Rev’d Professor Russell Goulbourne
Evensong and Benediction: 5pm
Founded in 1847, the choir of St Peter's Eastern Hill is one of the oldest continuing Anglican church choirs in Australia.
Our culture is collegiate and supportive. We are committed to the highest standards of music and liturgy.
The St Peter’s Bookroom
The St Peter’s book room is a ministry within St Peter’s Eastern Hill, Melbourne; a place of social outreach, book selling and welcome for the public. We sell not only books but also gifts, devotional items, and church supplies.
Charitable Foundation
The St Peter's Eastern Hill Melbourne Charitable Foundation is a not-for-profit charity established in 1999 to support the activities of St Peter's Eastern Hill Church insofar as they relate to the benefit and support of people in necessitous circumstances and the restoration and maintenance of Parish buildings used for the benefit and support of persons in such circumstances.
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St Peter’s is a busy, welcoming church in the centre of Melbourne, Australia.
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more information about our parish and city ministries.

Devotional resources
These prayers and devotional resources will help you pray at home.
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Our Mission
We are an inclusive Anglo-Catholic community, built on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people. We are committed to social justice and diversity.